When the temperatures start to dip, many bikers choose to keep away their motorcycles while they await warmer days. However, riding your bike in the winter can be quite enjoyable. The crisp, cool air creates an enjoyable setting for your ride. As long as you take the necessary precautions for cold-weather riding, you can enjoy your motorcycle in any season.

At S&N MotorSports, we care about the safety of our customers and that’s why we’ve gathered up some essential tips for safe riding in the cold weather. Before you brave the cold, stop by our dealership that is conveniently located in Port Charlotte, Florida We will be happy to help you with any routine maintenance or gear you might need before your next ride.

Gear Up

First and foremost, you need to dress appropriately and wear the proper gear, so you can stay warm. This isn’t just about being comfortable, it’s also about staying safe. It’s more difficult to operate your bike when your body is extremely cold. Whether it be hitting buttons or making sudden maneuvers, you need to be at the top of your game to safely operate your motorcycle. You can wear thermal underwear and a few pairs of socks. Your hands and feet tend to get the coldest, so be sure to wear gloves and boots as well.

If you want to take things to the next level and can afford it, you can consider investing in heated clothing. These are operated by batteries or your bike to keep you even warmer. Heated clothing options include jackets and leg lines. You’re sure to stay comfortable and safe for the duration of your ride.

When it gets cold, it can also get wet and a big part of keeping yourself warm means you need to stay dry. Once you become even a little bit wet, it can start to feel very cold when the wind is whizzing by you at high speeds. To avoid getting wet, you should make sure that your outer layer of clothing is waterproof. Speaking of which, your gloves should also be waterproof so you don’t have trouble manipulating small buttons.

Check your Tires

Cold temperatures can impact tire pressure. The general rule is that for every 10-degree pressure drop, you can expect to lose one to two pounds of air pressure. Always check the air pressure in both tires before you embark on a cold day of riding. While you should always be riding with high-quality tires, this is especially important during winter. Some riders invest in tires designed to handle cold temperatures, which are a great option if you ride in the cold often.

Watch the Road Conditions

When it’s cold out, you tend to encounter more hazardous road conditions, which can cause you to lose traction. Allow yourself more time to accelerate, turn, brake, and change lanes. Certain snow-clearing hazards might also be present, like salt or gravel, and they can reduce traction so treat them as you would when riding over ice. Always be on the lookout for black ice, too.

Keep Yourself Hydrated and Eat Well

Winter riding definitely requires more energy and preparation, which is why you need to keep yourself hydrated and eat well. Make sure you eat a large meal before hitting the road so that your metabolism is running and your body temperature is where it should be. A warm meal can even give you a little heat boost before you head out. Of course, you should also drink plenty of water before your ride. You can easily become dehydrated while riding, which can negatively affect your focus.

Proper planning allows you to have a much more enjoyable winter riding experience. Always confirm that your bike is up for the challenge and running smoothly before you take on the cold weather. The experts at S&N MotorSports can help with all your service and parts needs. Visit us today at our dealership in Port Charlotte, FL, where we serve all those coming from Fort Myers.