When it comes to riding gear, leather is one of the favorite fabrics of motorcyclists for a variety of reasons. The durable material offers impressive protection from the hazards of the road, as well as in the event of a crash. Leather clothes, especially jackets, also add to the whole uber-cool biker look, making heads turn wherever you go.

However, each bike ride can take its toll on the leather. You’ll need to be proactive about caring for your motorcycle gear to help reduce damage and extend its life. That’s why we've created this beginner's guide to caring for leather gear. If you want more advice or want to explore motorcycles for sale, head over to S&N MotorSports in Port Charlotte, Florida.

Cleaning and Conditioning

As a natural fiber, leather tends to absorb the things it comes in contact with, from the sweat on your skin to the kicked-up dirt from the road. The first thing you’ll need to do to get your leather in top condition is to clean it regularly. Conditioning is also necessary for putting essential oils back into the leather, which have been stripped out with regular use and washing. Natural oils, like linseed oil and castor oil, are recommended for use on leather. Apply the oil with a clean sponge, let it sit for a few minutes, and then wipe any excess and buff the surface until it has a soft sheen.

Treating Faded Color

Leather motorcycle gear starts out with vibrant and stunning coloring, but it can fade over time. This is often caused by a layer of dirt or smog getting in the way of letting the color shine through. Fortunately, the fading is generally not permanent and you can restore the colors easily. Get a bottle of leather shampoo to remove stains from your jacket using a soft brush. Later on, you’ll want to condition your leather to prevent it from breaking down and cracking. Try to do this process every two months, unless you notice dirt build-up sooner due to more frequent riding.

Maintaining the Hardware

Leather motorcycle gear is not made solely of leather. There are some other pieces of your gear that will need attention as well. Your zippers can benefit from some maintenance in order to keep them running smoothly. The best approach is to use liquid silicon to grease the zippers so they will slide easily. You will want to consult the owner's manual to see how the manufacturer recommends caring for all the non-leather aspects of your motorcycle gear.

We hope that this guide helps you to keep your leather motorcycle gear in peak condition. If you have any questions or you want to check out some top-quality motorcycles for sale, visit S&N MotorSports in Port Charlotte, FL. We welcome all those in Fort Myers, so stop by today!